Maternal, newborn, and child health
16 / 01 / 2020
Every year, 1 million children lose their mother
About 830 mothers die every day as a result of their pregnancy or childbirth.
In most cases, a fatal outcome could have been avoided. Often complications occur that could have been prevented if professional medical supervision had been available during childbirth. Timely detection and proper treatment can make a world of difference!
Human dignity
Hospitals and health centres are in poor condition with insufficient medical equipment, and there is a constant shortage of medicines. Women often give birth on improvised wooden or rusted delivery tables, in dilapidated huts or by the light of a petroleum lamp. Blood for transfusions cannot be stored because hospitals do not always have electricity.
In Belgium, mothers and their newborns are lucky to enjoy the best medical care. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many mothers in other countries. Notwithstanding, a good, healthy start in life is crucial!
Mamy Ngasingba
Mandje, eastern Congo
2 hours after I arrived at a health centre to give birth, I was urgently referred to the hospital. My child was in trouble. Thanks to the ambulance, which didn’t exist before, I was taken to the hospital. Just in time for an emergency caesarean section. Thanks to Memisa’s help, my child’s life and mine too were saved!